Richard Raby Ecotours is the specialist provider of expert-led, tailor made tours to one of the most exciting birding / birdwatching destinations on Earth - South-east Brazil. This incredible region is home to a staggering one-third of Brazil's 1700+ bird species - including 200 endemics alone!
As of 2010 Richard has also been leading Butterfly photography groups to this very same region. This area is, as with birding, extremely rich in endemics and is home to a great number of remarkable insect species. In the state of Rio de Janeiro alone we can find an incredible diversity with over 1450 combined butterflies and skippers that includes seven spectacular Morphos, thirty plus Swallowtails, over a dozen giant Owls and more than 15 variety of Firetip Skippers, all this alongside some of South America’s most colourful, rare & specialised species.
A trip led by Richard Raby guarantees you an unforgettable visit to this world- renowned ecological hotspot. Richard is now also offering you the option of combining Brazilian-Birds with either Brazilian Butterflies or even Brazilian Animals and plants and with the emphasis focus on observation and/or photography. He is now offering custom made special interest programs each one especially designed for you, the visiting birder, butterfly photographer or naturalist with a more comprehensive interest.
Post Pandemic program
Prior to the Corona virus pandemic Richard had been taking a sabbatical to become better involved with his voluntary Butterfly conservation and research work (Richard has now been an officially registered IBAMA Brazilian field researcher for almost 10 years).
At this point in time (Summer 2022) Richard will resume offering custom designed Bird-watching and also mixed discipline trips that encompass both bird-watching and bird photography along with butterfly & insect photography trips which also keep an alert eye open for other wildlife such as interesting plants, reptiles, and mammals. And these custom made trips will be offered for small groups (initially 2-3 participants)These trips will be visiting locations in and around Rio de Janeiro state. And naturally, Single visitors are always most welcome.
Now at 69 years of age Richard continues to be fit and active, but those days of travelling many miles into the dusty Brazilian interior in search of individual ornithological rarities are over. Today Richard is offering a more sedate pace to his program of Birding, butterflies and now mixed interest tours. These trips will still maintain the emphasis on endemics but now they will be abiding to a formula of 2-3 hours maximum travel between locations and restricting the area covered to that of the Rio de Janeiro state and also some of the immediately surrounding region. n.b. please refer to the newly edited regional & Locations Map pages on this same website for details of the area covered.
About Richard Raby
English by birth, but fluent in local language and customs, a tour with Richard is the perfect way to explore this diverse area and its spectacular Birdlife/Wildlife.
You'll enjoy your own special customer tailored and individually produced Itinerary, only normally encountered by the smallest organised groups, - and at a price that continues to compare very favourably to the mass-market alternatives.
Years of extensive research have given Richard an intimate knowledge of South-east Brazil and its ornithological, insect and animal treasures. His regular expeditions are continually tracking down new locations for the most sought-after and localised birds, animals and butterflies.
Regional guides are still some way from being perfected, so that the local first-hand knowledge offered by Richard is still invaluable in ensuring your visit includes the most productive areas - and that you see your target species. A dazzling fauna & avifauna.
The region is home to a wealth of elusive forest endemics that pose a challenge to even glimpse. Richard's forever expanding knowledge of their habits, songs and calls, coupled with sophisticated field- recorded playback to lure them into view, will give you the best possible chance of seeing them.
Explore the finest wildlife-rich habitat in South-east Brazil under Richard's expert guidance. Be dazzled by the region's array of exquisite Tanagers and Toucans; be charmed by a host of iridescent Hummingbirds and marvel at secretive Cotingas and Tapaculos.
Richard can also promise you great chances of seeing a number of locally endangered wildlife species, animals such as: Maned Wolf, Giant Anteater and a variety of Marmosets and Monkeys & etc.
Let Richard take you to sought-after and range-restricted endemic rarities such as Red-billed Curassow, Three-toed Jacamar, Restinga and Hooded Antwrens, White-winged & Banded Cotingas, Fork-tailed Tody-tyrant , Spotted Bamboo-wren etc, and much, much more...
Contact Richard
Richard Raby Eco-tours is run from a purpose-built naturalist's lodge, sited in a spectacular lagoon-side setting, a comfortable one-hour's drive along the coast from the Rio de Janeiro international airport. The Marica coastal region offers an excellent few days, waterside, lagoon-edge/reed-bed and low-level jungle watching with which to start, or possibly end, a visit to this exotic part of Brazil.
If you are considering a birding trip to South-east Brazil, or if you wish to combine a trip of birding with Animals or Butterflies,'please do not hesitate to get in touch with Richard with your 'wish list' of requirements and target species. He will be delighted to design a tailor-made itinerary for you and looks forward to meeting you!
Email: rrabybrasil@gmail.com